Time-Sensitive: Why Run Ads on Facebook Right Now

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If you’re not running ads on Facebook for your e-commerce brand right now, you’re passing up on a cost-effective, profit-hauling, long-game-playing marketing strategy.

Let me explain by sharing through this post the following:

Why now is the best time to run ads on Facebook and how to maximize them

Here’s why . . .

Now that spending season is over, giant eCom brands are recovering from last quarter’s ads splurge. That’s why they’re calling a time-out from their ad spend.

This frees up a lot more ad placements on Facebook. With more ad spaces and fewer ad bidders, ad costs have gone down. Facebook ad placements are on sale!

best time to run ads on facebook

This spells O-P-P-O-R-T-U-N-I-T-Y!

You can now run ads at significantly much lower costs than those of last quarter.

But you might say:

        “Wait a minute. If big brands are cutting their spending on ad to sel their products now, why should I?”

        “Consumers are also bouncing back from last quarter’s shopping spree, probably still paying for their purchases now. Only a few may buy.”

If you have this line of thinking, you may be used to the Customer Acquisition via Facebook ads strategy.

The Customer Acquisition Strategy

There's nothing wrong with acquiring buyers through ads. Most e-commerce brands started their businesses by promoting through Facebook ads. And they’re crushing it in terms of sales.

This is proof that with the right ad strategy, Facebook ads can quickly convert browsers into customers and rake in exhilarating sales especially for impulse-buy products. But if you’ve been doing it for quite some time, you know that it comes with an often hefty price tag - Acquisition Cost A.K.A Ad Spend. . . Which usually eats up a big chunk of their margins.

But with Facebook ads cost “on sale” right now, your ROAS can potentially increase. But not immediately.

What do I mean by that?

You see, a marketing strategy that does nothing but spend on ads to acquire new buyers is short-term thinking. It brings in immediate gratification. You advertise now, you can rake in sales now or tomorrow. And that’s good as long as you’re profiting can sustain the ad costs over the long run. But just as ad costs can fall, like right now, it can also skyrocket, like what it did last quarter, putting your margins and profitability at risk.

That's why . . . 

. . . if you want sales to keep coming even when you’re not running ads 

. . . if you want to increase sales without increasing Facebook ad costs

. . . if you want your business to scale and survive . . .

You have to shift to a long-term outlook and carry out a long-term strategy - the Customer Acquisition + Conversion + Customer Retention Strategy. This long-term strategy involves delaying gratification. But it can be sustainably rewarding.

Let's talk about this strategy next . . .

The Leads Acquisition + Conversion + Customer Retention Strategy

Here’s what you need to do:

Advertise on Facebook now while ad placements are cheap. Your goal this time is not to make a sales conversion, but to generate leads. While people aren’t in the buying mood yet, you can take this time as a chance to build and nurture a long-term relationship with them. And this is where Email Marketing shines.

With email marketing, you can let them get to know more and fall in like with your brand and products one email at a time. So that when they’re ready to open their wallets again, you would have already opened their minds and hearts to your brand. Converting them into buyers would be much easier by then. And when they're happy with their purchase and you continue nurturing them, you can turn these buyers into repeat buyers. Rinse and repeat.

With the right email marketing game plan, your emails can turn casual online store visitors and subscribers into buyers, buyers into repeat buyers, and repeat buyers into brand loyalists. With repeat buyers and brand loyalists, you can increase Customer Lifetime Value. This is how you execute the Leads Acquisition + Conversion + Customer Retention strategy.

This is how smart ecommerce brands maximize their ad spend.

This is how they raise Customer Lifetime Value.

This is how they scale and sustain their business.

Spend on FB ads to make people aware of your brand and acquire new leads and customers. Then invest in email marketing to convert leads, retain customers, and create brand loyalists.

So . . .

  • If you want to increase your sales and number of repeat buyers . . .
  • If you have an email list you don’t know what to do with (FYI, you’re sitting on a goldmine) . . .
  • If you need help integrating/running Klaviyo for your ecommerce business . . .
  • Or need help tweaking your existing email marketing game plan to squeeze more sales out of it . . .

Simply send me a message and tell me what you need help with, your email address, and online store URL, and let’s see how I can help.

Already on Klaviyo & wanna up your Conversion and Retention Game?

Schedule a Klaviyo Acount Audit for FREE. Click the button to pre-schedule an audit. 

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